References: Bibliography
Adoni, H. and Mane, S. (1984). Media and the social construction of reality: Toward an integration of theory and research. Communication Research, 11, 323-340.
American Society of News Editors (ASNE) (2013). 2013 Census: Total employment declines in 2012, but proportion of minorities in newsrooms remains stable. Retrieved from
Babbie, E. (2001). The practice of social research (9th edition). Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Thomson.
Ballard, B. (1996). A community view of public journalism: League of Women Voters chapter grades Norfolk newspaper project. National Civic Review, 85(1), 29-31.
Baird-Remba, R. and Lubin, G. (2013, April 25). 21 Maps of highly segregated cities in America. BusinessInsider. Retrieved from
Bechtel, A. and Lauterer, J. (2007). A most uncommon ‘commons’: Transforming two classrooms into community newspaper newsrooms. Grassroots Editor, 48(4), 1-5.
Bellah, R. (2007). Community properly understood. Kettering Review, 26(2), 37-42.
Berger, P.L. and Luckmann, T. (1966). The social construction of reality: A treatise in the sociology of knowledge. New York, N.Y.: Doubleday.
Bernstein, A.G. and Norwood, R.S. (2008). Ethnic differences in public participation: The role of conflict communication styles and sense of community. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 37, 119-138.
Boczkowski, P.J (2010). The divergent online news preferences of journalists and readers: Reading between the lines of the thematic gap between the supply and demand of online news. Communications of the ACM, 53(11), 24-26.
Brown, P.A. (2008). A review of the literature on case study research. Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education, 1(1), 1-13.
Byerly, K. (1961). Community journalism. Philadelphia, Pa.; New York, N.Y.: Chilton.
Chung, D.S. (2009). How readers perceive journalists’ functions at online community newspapers. Newspaper Research Journal, 30(1), 72-80.
Darmek, D. (Producer) (2014). Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service and the Public Policy Forum [promotional video]. (Available from Marquette University’s Instructional Media Center, 1131 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 53233).
Denton, F. (1999). The local news handbook. Reston, Va.: American Society of Newspaper Editors. Retrieved from
Deuze, M. (2003). The web and its journalisms: Considering the consequences of different types of news media online. New Media & Society, 5, 203-230.
Deuze, M. (2005). What is journalism? Professional identity and ideology of journalists reconsidered. Journalism, 6, 442-464.
Dewey, J. (1924). Democracy and education. New York, N.Y.: Macmillan.
Dewey, J. (1927). The public and its problems. New York, N.Y.: Henry Holt.
Donohue, G.A., Olien, C.N. and Tichenor, P.J. (1985). Mass media functions, knowledge and social control. Journalism Quarterly, 50, 652-659.
Doolittle, R.J. and MacDonald, D. (1978). Communication and a sense of community in a metropolitan neighborhood: A factor analytic examination. Communication Quarterly, 26, 2-7.
Entman, R.M. (1993). Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm. Journal of Communication, 43(4), 51-58.
Fanselow, J. (2008). Community blogging: The new wave of citizen journalism. National Civic Review, 97(4), 24-29.
Finlay, L. (2002). Negotiating the swamp: The opportunity and challenge of reflexivity in research practice. Qualitative Research, 2(2), 209-230.
Friedland, L.A. (2001). Communication, community and democracy: Toward a theory of the communicatively integrated community. Communication Research, 28, 358-391.
Friedland, L. (2004). Public journalism and communities. National Civic Review, 93(3), 36-42.
Fuoss, K.W. (1995). ‘Community’ contested, imagined and performed: Cultural performance, contestation and community in an organized-labor social drama. Text and Performance Quarterly, 15, 79-98.
Gamson, W.A., Croteau, D., Hoynes, W. and Sasson, T. (1992). Media images and the social construction of reality. Annual Review of Sociology, 18, 373-393.
Garyantes, D.M. (2012). At the community level: Cultural competence and news coverage of a city neighborhood. Community Journalism, 1(1), 47-66.
Gilligan, E. (2011). Online publication expands reach of community journalism. Newspaper Research Journal, 32(1), 63-70.
Gilligan, E. (2012). The Minnesota team: Key studies of institutional power and community media. In B. Reader and J.A. Hatcher (Eds.), Foundations of Community Journalism (pp. 45-61). Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage.
Gillis, T.L. and Moore, R.C. (2003). Keeping your ears to the ground: A journalist’s guide to citizen participation in the news – a primer on community journalism. Retrieved from
Given, L.M. (2008). The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage.
Goode, L. (2009). Social news, citizen journalism and democracy. New Media & Society, 11, 1287-1305.
Hansen, E.K. and Hansen, G.L. (2011). Newspaper improves reader satisfaction by refocusing on local issues. Newspaper Research Journal, 32(1), 98-106.
Harvey, L.M. (2007). Scholastic journalism shapes community media: How high school newspapers fill the media gap when a small community loses its paper. Grassroots Editor, 48(4), 26-30.
Harwood, R.C. (2007). To make hope real. Kettering Review, 26(2), 52-61.
Hatcher, J.A. (2009). The urban news project: Examining the impact of community-focused reporting on student perceptions of journalism and community. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 64, 306-318.
Hatcher, J.A. (2012). A view from outside: What other social science disciplines can teach us about community journalism. In B. Reader & J.A. Hatcher (Eds.), Foundations of Community Journalism (pp. 129-149). Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage.
Hume, J. (2012). Community journalism and community history. In B. Reader & J.A. Hatcher (Eds.), Foundations of Community Journalism (pp. 65-85). Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage.
Johnson, D. E. (2011). Faith, hope, tolerance and sense of community. School Community Journal, 21(1), 151-169.
Killenberg, G.M. and Dardenne, R. (1997). Instruction in news reporting as community-focused journalism. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 52, 52-58.
Kirkpatrick, R. (2001). Are community newspapers really different?” Asia Pacific Media Educator, 10, 16-21.
Lewis, S.C., Kaufhold, K. and Lasorsa, D.L. (2010). Thinking about citizen journalism: The philosophical and practical challenges of user-generated content for community newspapers. Journalism Practice, 4, 163-179.
Lindlof, T.R. and Taylor, B.C. (2011). Qualitative communication research methods. Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage.
Lipinski, D. and Neddenriep, G. (2004). Using ‘new’ media to get ‘old’ media coverage: How members of congress utilize their websites to court journalists. Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 9(1), 7-21.
Lipschultz, J.H. and Hilt, M.L. (1999). Mass media and the death penalty: Social construction of three Nebraska executions. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43, 236-253.
Lowe, H. (2011a, August 1). 17th Street locale a hive of community-building activity. Neighborhood News Service. Retrieved from
Lowe, H. (2011b, August 19). New pew study confirms digital divide in mobile news interest. Retrieved from
Lowery, W., Brozana, A. and Mackay, J. (2008). Toward a measure of community journalism. Mass Communication and Society, 11, 275-299.
Lowman, J. (2008). Seeking the essence: Community journalism meets the digital age. Grassroots Editor, 49(4), 4-8.
Macfarlane, B. (2009). Community as an academic ethic. In J. Strain, R. Barnett, & P. Jarvis (Eds.), Universities, ethics and professions: Debate and scrutiny. New York, N.Y.: Routledge.
Maier, S.R. (2009). Confessing errors in a digital age: With accuracy as the foundation of media credibility, setting the record straight is essential to restoring trust that is eroded by errors. Nieman Reports, 61(3), 46-48.
Matei, S., Ball-Rokeach, S.J. and Qiu, J.L. (2001). Fear and misperception of Los Angeles urban space: A spacial-statistical study of communication-shaped mental maps. Communication Research, 28, 429-463.
Maykut, P. and Morehouse, R. (2001). Beginning qualitative research: A philosophic and practical guide. Philadelphia, Pa.: Falmer Press.
McCleneghan, J.S. (2005). Interactivity with ‘Generation Y’ and small southwestern community newspapers. Social Science Journal, 42, 141-148.
McGowan, S. (2012, September 23). NNS awarded Knight Foundation matching grant. Neighborhood News Service. Retrieved from,-34,-3,-18
McLeod, J.M., Daily, K., Guo, Z., Eveland, W.P., Bayer, J., Yang, S. and Wang, H. (1996). Community integration, local media use and democratic processes. Communication Research, 23, 179-209.
McMillan, D.W. (1996). Sense of community. Journal of Community Psychology, 24, 315-325.
McMillan, D.W. and Chavis, D.M. (1986). Sense of community: A definition and theory. Journal of Community Psychology, 14, 6-23.
Mead, G.H. (1938). The philosophy of the act. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Mellinger, G. (2013). Chasing newsroom diversity: From Jim Crow to affirmative action. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press.
Mersey, R.D. (2009). Online news users’ sense of community: Is geography dead? Journalism Practice, 3, 347-360.
Mersey, R.D. (2009). Sense of community differs for print, online readers. Newspaper Research Journal, 30(3), 105-119.
Mersey, R.D. (2010). Reevaluating Stamm’s theory of newspapers and communities in a new media environment: Toward a new theory based on identity and interdependence. Northwestern University Law Review, 104, 517-535.
Meyer, H.K. and Daniels, G.L. (2012). Community journalism in an online world. In B. Reader and J.A. Hatcher (Eds.), Foundations of Community Journalism (pp. 199-217). Los Angeles, Ca.: Sage.
Nisbet, R. (1953). The quest for community: A study in the ethics of order and freedom. New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press.
Nip, J.Y.M. (2006). Exploring the second phase of public journalism. Journalism Studies, 7, 212-236.
Oliver, L. (2008). ABC to set up University News Bureaus at five U.S. journalism schools. Retrieved from
Overholser, G. (1999). In the age of public ownership, the importance of being local. Columbia Journalism Review, 38(4), 64-65.
Pauly, J.J. and Eckert, M. (2002). The myth of ‘the local’ in American journalism. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 79, 310-326.
Pauly, J.J. (2003). Recovering journalism as a democratic art. In J. Harper & T. Yantek (Eds.), Media, profit and politics: Competing priorities in an open society (pp. 18-32). Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press.
Pauly, J.J. (2004). Media studies and the dialogue of democracy. In R. Anderson, L.A. Baxter & K.N. Cissna (Eds.), Dialogue: Theorizing difference in communication studies (pp. 243-258). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage.
Pauly, J.J. (2009). Is journalism interested in resolution or only in conflict? Marquette Law Review, 93, 7-23.
Pavlik, J.V. (2004). A sea-change in journalism: Convergence, journalists, their audiences and sources. Convergence: The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 10(4), 21-29.
Quinlan, T. (2012). People make Cluster II Grow and Play lot shine. Retrieved from
Ramella, B. (2012). #Published. Retrieved from
Reader, B. (2007). Air mail: NPR sees “community” in letters from listeners. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 51, 651-669.
Reader, B. (2012). Community journalism: A concept of connectedness. In B. Reader & J.A. Hatcher (Eds.), Foundations of Community Journalism (pp. 3-19). Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage.
Riger, S. and Lavrakas, P.J. (1981). Community ties: Patterns of attachment and social interaction in urban neighborhoods. American Journal of Community Psychology, 9, 55-66.
Riger, S., LeBailly, R.K. and Gordon, M.T. (1981). Community ties and urbanites’ fear of crime. American Journal of Community Psychology, 9, 653-665.
Ritchie, L.D. (2011). Why the block is the block: Reinforcing community through casual conversation. Metaphor and the Social World, 1, 240-261.
Rivenburgh, N.K. (2000). Social identity theory and news portrayals of citizens involved in international affairs. Media Psychology, 2, 303-329.
Rosen, J. (1999). What are journalists for? New Haven, Conn.: Yale University.
Roush, C. (2009). Into the newsroom: The Anniston Star’s creative model for partnership between news outlets and educational institutions. American Journalism Review, 31(1), 42-47.
Sarason, S.B. (1974). The psychological sense of community: Prospects for community psychology. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass.
Schudson, M. (2003). The sociology of news. New York, N.Y.: W.W. Norton.
Scott, B. (2005). A contemporary history of digital journalism. Television & New Media, 6, 89-126.
Taylor, C.E., Lee, J. and Davie, W.R. (2000). Local press coverage of an environmental conflict. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 77, 175-192.
Terry, T.C. (2011). Community journalism provides model for future. Newspaper Research Journal, 32(1), 71-83.
Tongco, M.D.C. (2007). Purposive sampling as a tool for informant selection. Ethnobotany Research & Applications, 5, 147-158.
Voakes, P.S. (2004). A brief history of public journalism. National Civic Review, 93(3), 25-35.
Wotanis, L.L. (2012). When the weekly leaves town: The impact of one newsroom’s relocation on sense of community. Community Journalism, 1(1), 11-28.
American Society of News Editors (ASNE) (2013). 2013 Census: Total employment declines in 2012, but proportion of minorities in newsrooms remains stable. Retrieved from
Babbie, E. (2001). The practice of social research (9th edition). Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Thomson.
Ballard, B. (1996). A community view of public journalism: League of Women Voters chapter grades Norfolk newspaper project. National Civic Review, 85(1), 29-31.
Baird-Remba, R. and Lubin, G. (2013, April 25). 21 Maps of highly segregated cities in America. BusinessInsider. Retrieved from
Bechtel, A. and Lauterer, J. (2007). A most uncommon ‘commons’: Transforming two classrooms into community newspaper newsrooms. Grassroots Editor, 48(4), 1-5.
Bellah, R. (2007). Community properly understood. Kettering Review, 26(2), 37-42.
Berger, P.L. and Luckmann, T. (1966). The social construction of reality: A treatise in the sociology of knowledge. New York, N.Y.: Doubleday.
Bernstein, A.G. and Norwood, R.S. (2008). Ethnic differences in public participation: The role of conflict communication styles and sense of community. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 37, 119-138.
Boczkowski, P.J (2010). The divergent online news preferences of journalists and readers: Reading between the lines of the thematic gap between the supply and demand of online news. Communications of the ACM, 53(11), 24-26.
Brown, P.A. (2008). A review of the literature on case study research. Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education, 1(1), 1-13.
Byerly, K. (1961). Community journalism. Philadelphia, Pa.; New York, N.Y.: Chilton.
Chung, D.S. (2009). How readers perceive journalists’ functions at online community newspapers. Newspaper Research Journal, 30(1), 72-80.
Darmek, D. (Producer) (2014). Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service and the Public Policy Forum [promotional video]. (Available from Marquette University’s Instructional Media Center, 1131 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. 53233).
Denton, F. (1999). The local news handbook. Reston, Va.: American Society of Newspaper Editors. Retrieved from
Deuze, M. (2003). The web and its journalisms: Considering the consequences of different types of news media online. New Media & Society, 5, 203-230.
Deuze, M. (2005). What is journalism? Professional identity and ideology of journalists reconsidered. Journalism, 6, 442-464.
Dewey, J. (1924). Democracy and education. New York, N.Y.: Macmillan.
Dewey, J. (1927). The public and its problems. New York, N.Y.: Henry Holt.
Donohue, G.A., Olien, C.N. and Tichenor, P.J. (1985). Mass media functions, knowledge and social control. Journalism Quarterly, 50, 652-659.
Doolittle, R.J. and MacDonald, D. (1978). Communication and a sense of community in a metropolitan neighborhood: A factor analytic examination. Communication Quarterly, 26, 2-7.
Entman, R.M. (1993). Framing: Toward clarification of a fractured paradigm. Journal of Communication, 43(4), 51-58.
Fanselow, J. (2008). Community blogging: The new wave of citizen journalism. National Civic Review, 97(4), 24-29.
Finlay, L. (2002). Negotiating the swamp: The opportunity and challenge of reflexivity in research practice. Qualitative Research, 2(2), 209-230.
Friedland, L.A. (2001). Communication, community and democracy: Toward a theory of the communicatively integrated community. Communication Research, 28, 358-391.
Friedland, L. (2004). Public journalism and communities. National Civic Review, 93(3), 36-42.
Fuoss, K.W. (1995). ‘Community’ contested, imagined and performed: Cultural performance, contestation and community in an organized-labor social drama. Text and Performance Quarterly, 15, 79-98.
Gamson, W.A., Croteau, D., Hoynes, W. and Sasson, T. (1992). Media images and the social construction of reality. Annual Review of Sociology, 18, 373-393.
Garyantes, D.M. (2012). At the community level: Cultural competence and news coverage of a city neighborhood. Community Journalism, 1(1), 47-66.
Gilligan, E. (2011). Online publication expands reach of community journalism. Newspaper Research Journal, 32(1), 63-70.
Gilligan, E. (2012). The Minnesota team: Key studies of institutional power and community media. In B. Reader and J.A. Hatcher (Eds.), Foundations of Community Journalism (pp. 45-61). Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage.
Gillis, T.L. and Moore, R.C. (2003). Keeping your ears to the ground: A journalist’s guide to citizen participation in the news – a primer on community journalism. Retrieved from
Given, L.M. (2008). The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage.
Goode, L. (2009). Social news, citizen journalism and democracy. New Media & Society, 11, 1287-1305.
Hansen, E.K. and Hansen, G.L. (2011). Newspaper improves reader satisfaction by refocusing on local issues. Newspaper Research Journal, 32(1), 98-106.
Harvey, L.M. (2007). Scholastic journalism shapes community media: How high school newspapers fill the media gap when a small community loses its paper. Grassroots Editor, 48(4), 26-30.
Harwood, R.C. (2007). To make hope real. Kettering Review, 26(2), 52-61.
Hatcher, J.A. (2009). The urban news project: Examining the impact of community-focused reporting on student perceptions of journalism and community. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 64, 306-318.
Hatcher, J.A. (2012). A view from outside: What other social science disciplines can teach us about community journalism. In B. Reader & J.A. Hatcher (Eds.), Foundations of Community Journalism (pp. 129-149). Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage.
Hume, J. (2012). Community journalism and community history. In B. Reader & J.A. Hatcher (Eds.), Foundations of Community Journalism (pp. 65-85). Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage.
Johnson, D. E. (2011). Faith, hope, tolerance and sense of community. School Community Journal, 21(1), 151-169.
Killenberg, G.M. and Dardenne, R. (1997). Instruction in news reporting as community-focused journalism. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 52, 52-58.
Kirkpatrick, R. (2001). Are community newspapers really different?” Asia Pacific Media Educator, 10, 16-21.
Lewis, S.C., Kaufhold, K. and Lasorsa, D.L. (2010). Thinking about citizen journalism: The philosophical and practical challenges of user-generated content for community newspapers. Journalism Practice, 4, 163-179.
Lindlof, T.R. and Taylor, B.C. (2011). Qualitative communication research methods. Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage.
Lipinski, D. and Neddenriep, G. (2004). Using ‘new’ media to get ‘old’ media coverage: How members of congress utilize their websites to court journalists. Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 9(1), 7-21.
Lipschultz, J.H. and Hilt, M.L. (1999). Mass media and the death penalty: Social construction of three Nebraska executions. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43, 236-253.
Lowe, H. (2011a, August 1). 17th Street locale a hive of community-building activity. Neighborhood News Service. Retrieved from
Lowe, H. (2011b, August 19). New pew study confirms digital divide in mobile news interest. Retrieved from
Lowery, W., Brozana, A. and Mackay, J. (2008). Toward a measure of community journalism. Mass Communication and Society, 11, 275-299.
Lowman, J. (2008). Seeking the essence: Community journalism meets the digital age. Grassroots Editor, 49(4), 4-8.
Macfarlane, B. (2009). Community as an academic ethic. In J. Strain, R. Barnett, & P. Jarvis (Eds.), Universities, ethics and professions: Debate and scrutiny. New York, N.Y.: Routledge.
Maier, S.R. (2009). Confessing errors in a digital age: With accuracy as the foundation of media credibility, setting the record straight is essential to restoring trust that is eroded by errors. Nieman Reports, 61(3), 46-48.
Matei, S., Ball-Rokeach, S.J. and Qiu, J.L. (2001). Fear and misperception of Los Angeles urban space: A spacial-statistical study of communication-shaped mental maps. Communication Research, 28, 429-463.
Maykut, P. and Morehouse, R. (2001). Beginning qualitative research: A philosophic and practical guide. Philadelphia, Pa.: Falmer Press.
McCleneghan, J.S. (2005). Interactivity with ‘Generation Y’ and small southwestern community newspapers. Social Science Journal, 42, 141-148.
McGowan, S. (2012, September 23). NNS awarded Knight Foundation matching grant. Neighborhood News Service. Retrieved from,-34,-3,-18
McLeod, J.M., Daily, K., Guo, Z., Eveland, W.P., Bayer, J., Yang, S. and Wang, H. (1996). Community integration, local media use and democratic processes. Communication Research, 23, 179-209.
McMillan, D.W. (1996). Sense of community. Journal of Community Psychology, 24, 315-325.
McMillan, D.W. and Chavis, D.M. (1986). Sense of community: A definition and theory. Journal of Community Psychology, 14, 6-23.
Mead, G.H. (1938). The philosophy of the act. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Mellinger, G. (2013). Chasing newsroom diversity: From Jim Crow to affirmative action. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press.
Mersey, R.D. (2009). Online news users’ sense of community: Is geography dead? Journalism Practice, 3, 347-360.
Mersey, R.D. (2009). Sense of community differs for print, online readers. Newspaper Research Journal, 30(3), 105-119.
Mersey, R.D. (2010). Reevaluating Stamm’s theory of newspapers and communities in a new media environment: Toward a new theory based on identity and interdependence. Northwestern University Law Review, 104, 517-535.
Meyer, H.K. and Daniels, G.L. (2012). Community journalism in an online world. In B. Reader and J.A. Hatcher (Eds.), Foundations of Community Journalism (pp. 199-217). Los Angeles, Ca.: Sage.
Nisbet, R. (1953). The quest for community: A study in the ethics of order and freedom. New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press.
Nip, J.Y.M. (2006). Exploring the second phase of public journalism. Journalism Studies, 7, 212-236.
Oliver, L. (2008). ABC to set up University News Bureaus at five U.S. journalism schools. Retrieved from
Overholser, G. (1999). In the age of public ownership, the importance of being local. Columbia Journalism Review, 38(4), 64-65.
Pauly, J.J. and Eckert, M. (2002). The myth of ‘the local’ in American journalism. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 79, 310-326.
Pauly, J.J. (2003). Recovering journalism as a democratic art. In J. Harper & T. Yantek (Eds.), Media, profit and politics: Competing priorities in an open society (pp. 18-32). Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press.
Pauly, J.J. (2004). Media studies and the dialogue of democracy. In R. Anderson, L.A. Baxter & K.N. Cissna (Eds.), Dialogue: Theorizing difference in communication studies (pp. 243-258). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage.
Pauly, J.J. (2009). Is journalism interested in resolution or only in conflict? Marquette Law Review, 93, 7-23.
Pavlik, J.V. (2004). A sea-change in journalism: Convergence, journalists, their audiences and sources. Convergence: The Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 10(4), 21-29.
Quinlan, T. (2012). People make Cluster II Grow and Play lot shine. Retrieved from
Ramella, B. (2012). #Published. Retrieved from
Reader, B. (2007). Air mail: NPR sees “community” in letters from listeners. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 51, 651-669.
Reader, B. (2012). Community journalism: A concept of connectedness. In B. Reader & J.A. Hatcher (Eds.), Foundations of Community Journalism (pp. 3-19). Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage.
Riger, S. and Lavrakas, P.J. (1981). Community ties: Patterns of attachment and social interaction in urban neighborhoods. American Journal of Community Psychology, 9, 55-66.
Riger, S., LeBailly, R.K. and Gordon, M.T. (1981). Community ties and urbanites’ fear of crime. American Journal of Community Psychology, 9, 653-665.
Ritchie, L.D. (2011). Why the block is the block: Reinforcing community through casual conversation. Metaphor and the Social World, 1, 240-261.
Rivenburgh, N.K. (2000). Social identity theory and news portrayals of citizens involved in international affairs. Media Psychology, 2, 303-329.
Rosen, J. (1999). What are journalists for? New Haven, Conn.: Yale University.
Roush, C. (2009). Into the newsroom: The Anniston Star’s creative model for partnership between news outlets and educational institutions. American Journalism Review, 31(1), 42-47.
Sarason, S.B. (1974). The psychological sense of community: Prospects for community psychology. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass.
Schudson, M. (2003). The sociology of news. New York, N.Y.: W.W. Norton.
Scott, B. (2005). A contemporary history of digital journalism. Television & New Media, 6, 89-126.
Taylor, C.E., Lee, J. and Davie, W.R. (2000). Local press coverage of an environmental conflict. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 77, 175-192.
Terry, T.C. (2011). Community journalism provides model for future. Newspaper Research Journal, 32(1), 71-83.
Tongco, M.D.C. (2007). Purposive sampling as a tool for informant selection. Ethnobotany Research & Applications, 5, 147-158.
Voakes, P.S. (2004). A brief history of public journalism. National Civic Review, 93(3), 25-35.
Wotanis, L.L. (2012). When the weekly leaves town: The impact of one newsroom’s relocation on sense of community. Community Journalism, 1(1), 11-28.