I have used my wife's iPad enough to know it works. But while she mostly uses hers to surf the Internet, read books from the iBookstore and play games such as Angry Birds, I am eager to find apps that help make me more productive and organized at home and at work. So I searched Google to see what I could find.
Wouldn't you know it, there's a great list – iPad Apps I Use Most Often – from my Diederich College colleague Gee Ekachai. "Dropbox is a must for transporting files from my laptop to iPad. Cannot function without it!" Gee wrote. I learned early my first semester back at Marquette that Gee knows her stuff, so I quickly downloaded Dropbox.
Searching for those recommended for those working in newsrooms, I also found 20 apps that play to the iPad's strengths, suggested iPad apps for journalists and seven must-have iPad apps for journalists. As for those suggested for those working in or served by the academe, there's 10 best iPad apps for college students, 10 must have iPad apps for students and teachers, five essential iPad apps for educators and five iPad applications I can't live without (and why). I also like this one, though it's not all about iPad apps, because it could be very useful: six top smartphone apps to improve teaching, research and your life. I had better get busy. I want to check them all out before before the summer ends and I am forced to part with my loaned iPad.